Get ready for our KofC Friday Fish Dinners this Lent!
Get ready for our KofC Friday Fish Dinners this Lent!
Pastoral Council
Chair: To be announced
Finance Council
Chair: Jon Foulkrod
Thrifty Threads Thrift Store
Pastor / Chair: Fr. Hoffman
Co-Manager: Cynthia Kuhn
Co-Manager: Gina Pilewski
Altar Servers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Coordinators: Fr. Hoffman and
Deacon David Romanowicz
Livestream Videography
Dan Mitchell
Elliott Grucza
Communion & Visitations to the Homebound
Coordinators: Fr. Hoffman and
Deacon David Romanowicz
Communion & Visitation to Edinboro Manor
Coordinator: Drew Smith
Altar & Rosary Society
President: Sharon Evans
Small Church Groups
Facilitator: John Anderson
Knights of Columbus
Grand Knight: Scott Grucza
Deputy Grand Knight: Marc DeBruyne
Our Shopping Hours are:
Tuesdays 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Saturdays 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Clothing, toys, small kitchen appliances, linens, and various household items. PLEASE, no dirty, damaged or broken items! Donations are accepted on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays ONLY
from 7:30AM - 4:30pm OR until the
drop-off room is FULL.
The store is located in our old church at
131 Maple Drive.